Book a taxi in under 10 seconds and experience exclusive priority service from Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT).
You can place the booking directly on our map, and see how many available cars there are.
No standing in the rain. Track your car as it arrives on a map, or call the driver when they are nearby. No more guessing where your cab might be.
Place bookings hours, days or weeks in advance. Whenever it's convenient for you.
If necessary, cancel your booking at any time. It takes seconds to place a new booking directly from the handy favourites list.
Having integrated SMS booking, we've now launched this intelligent Android App so you can book a taxi within 3 screen taps.
Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT) is FREE to download and it costs you nothing to register.
It's so easy and quick to use. Download the App and register just once. Our intelligent software will suggest your favourite Pick Up locations, and you're ready to book your a car.
When you make a bookings, we'll notify you by Push Notification as your car is dispatched. We'll also inform you when your car is 2 minutes away, giving you additional details such as registration number, make, model and vehicle colour.
We value feedback and take all reviews very seriously. So please leave us feedback about your journey using the App. This helps us continually improve our service.
Prenota un taxi in meno di 10 secondi e usufruisci del servizio prioritario esclusivo di Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT).
Puoi effettuare la prenotazione direttamente sulla nostra mappa e vedere quante macchine disponibili ci sono.
Non stare in piedi sotto la pioggia. Tieni traccia della tua auto quando arriva su una mappa o chiama il conducente quando si trova nelle vicinanze. Non più indovinando dove potrebbe essere il tuo taxi.
Inserire in anticipo le ore, i giorni o le settimane delle prenotazioni. Ogni volta che è conveniente per te.
Se necessario, cancella la prenotazione in qualsiasi momento. Bastano pochi secondi per inserire una nuova prenotazione direttamente dalla comoda lista dei preferiti.
Avendo integrato la prenotazione SMS, abbiamo lanciato questa app Android intelligente per prenotare un taxi in 3 tocchi dello schermo.
Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT) è GRATUITO da scaricare e non ti costa nulla registrarti.
È così facile e veloce da usare. Scarica l'app e registrati una sola volta. Il nostro software intelligente suggerirà i tuoi luoghi preferiti di ritiro e sarai pronto per prenotare la tua auto.
Quando effettui una prenotazione, ti invieremo una notifica tramite Push Notification al momento della spedizione della tua auto. Ti informeremo anche quando la tua auto è a 2 minuti di distanza, fornendoti ulteriori dettagli come numero di registrazione, marca, modello e colore del veicolo.
Apprezziamo il feedback e prendiamo molto sul serio tutte le recensioni. Quindi per favore lasciaci un feedback sul tuo viaggio usando l'app. Questo ci aiuta a migliorare continuamente il nostro servizio.
Book a taxi in under 10 seconds and experience exclusive priority service from Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT).
You can place the booking directly on our map, and see how many available cars there are.
No standing in the rain. Track your car as it arrives on a map, or call the driver when they are nearby. No more guessing where your cab might be.
Place bookings hours, days or weeks in advance. Whenever it's convenient for you.
If necessary, cancel your booking at any time. It takes seconds to place a new booking directly from the handy favourites list.
Having integrated SMS booking, we've now launched this intelligent Android App so you can book a taxi within 3 screen taps.
Golden Triangle Taxi (GTT) is FREE to download and it costs you nothing to register.
It's so easy and quick to use. Download the App and register just once. Our intelligent software will suggest your favourite Pick Up locations, and you're ready to book your a car.
When you make a bookings, we'll notify you by Push Notification as your car is dispatched. We'll also inform you when your car is 2 minutes away, giving you additional details such as registration number, make, model and vehicle colour.
We value feedback and take all reviews very seriously. So please leave us feedback about your journey using the App. This helps us continually improve our service.